Saturday, October 22, 2011

Farewell Dinner

On Thursday night 5 of us went to the El Rustico restaurant for a Farewell to Pachuca meal.  The El Rustico is an Italian restaurant run by Mexicans who have succeeded very well in creating the right atmosphere.  We walked through a pathway evocative of Tuscany with its nice touch of vegetation around and above us.  The dining area is an open air patio with a gravel floor.  The evening was cool and pleasant, reminding me of why in hot Spanish countries people come alive at night.

I enjoyed the company of these fine men and for me the food and drink completed the evening.  I started off with a Margarita and my meal was a  superb piece of chicken breast drowned in a tasty mushroom sauce.  (I'm not sure what was in that sauce but I still felt full to the stomach well into the following day.)

Afterwards the others insisted on paying for my meal even though I tried hard to stick to my vision that it would be just an informal night out of us going out to dinner, with each paying his share.

Afterwards Ken hopped onto his motorbike and headed off to his apartment (which I had occupied during my first summer in La Paz.)  Rick drove the rest of us back to marina where we had a long chat in the cool of the night.

I asked the waiter to take the accompanying photo.  From left to right are Bob Carroll, Rick, Don, myself, and Ken.  Forgive the darkness of the photo.   The lighting conditions were difficult and the waiter did his best using the flash with my "backup" camera.

I am sorry to have to say goodbye to these terrific people but that has made me more determined than ever to return regularly, probably airplane.  I've already asked Ken to be ready to tee up with Teresa an apartment for me when I am ready to return.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a wonderful time with your mates at the goodbye dinner.
