Saturday, October 22, 2011

More Provisions

I've got to stay out of Sam's Club.  I walked in there while visiting the WalMart-Sam's Club-Home Depot triangle principally to visit Home Depot and walked out with another:

- 3 liters of olive oil
- 6 kg of white rice
- 4 kg of spaghetti
- 2 kg of white rice
- 1.8 kg of almonds
- 900 g of parmesan cheese
- 1.7 kg of spaghetti sauce

I've probably got enough stores to support me all of the way to Australia so I will have to show more discipline when I make my last visit early in the coming week to Sam's Club for the perishables.
Port Locker Crammed Full

However, I did purchase items that were more justified, including:

- 8 medium (24 T) hacksaw blades for metal
- 4 rolls of electrical tape
- One large can of WD-40
- One 990 ml bottle of Tequilla
- One 950 ml bottle of Appleton Jamaica Rum
- One 750 ml bottle of Captain Morgan rum

The hacksaw blades are for cutting through stays in the event of rigging failure.

I use olive oil to lubricate the marine head.

The booze for medicinal purposes.  (Don't laugh.  It will be useful if I clamber into the cockpit wet and shivering after a hard time on deck.)

This morning a Chedraui I purchased 2 more kilos of flour and a fourth 4-oz jar of Fleischmann's yeast.

And this morning Don presented me with the gift of 2 boxes of band aids after I complained that I had not been able to find any in La Paz.

These changes are significant so I will amend my earlier list of provisions.

John states emphatically that Chile demands that visiting boats hand in all of their food stores - including canned goods - and purchase fresh provender in their country.  I don't want to stop in Chile to verify the claim.

1 comment:

  1. Pachuca sure is packed great to see it organised.
