Sunday, October 2, 2011

Visit to Berkovich Boat Yard - 5, Pleasant Trip Back

At about 3 PM David, Mark and I piled into Doug's van for a ride into La Paz.  My whisker pole and bicycle fitted nicely in the back.

The four of us showed up at Rancho Viejo on Marques de Leon, not far from Marina de La Paz.  I know the place well because of its informality and great food.  We were in not exactly the freshest condition, particularly Mark who had put in a long shift at the boat yard.  Nevertheless  we were greeted cordially and Doug was addressed as "Capitan Doug".

The food was fantastic as usual, and I joined the rest in polishing off 3 beers, which tasted bloody marvelous after my latest bout of abstinence.  I really enjoyed the company of these men and was sorry to see it end.

But end it must.  Doug dropped me off at the marina along with my pole and bicycle, and I returned to the boat with another great memory of La Paz.

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