Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Weather Interest

Hello Blog viewers, it's Stephen at 'Mission Control' here in Perth.

Robert has given permission for me to make the odd blog post so I hope no-one minds too much. To contact me you can email pwazzx3@gmail3.com3 (remove all number 3's). I can pass a message to Robert but it's slow going as he has very limited access to email. Unfortunately you have to send me the message first so I can then pass it on.


The point of this post is to mention the weather. I'm helping to monitor the weather for Robert. Someone has recently asked to see what weather Pachuca is experiencing, so I have made a short tutorial that goes for about 7 minutes. The tutorial explains some free weather software that I find to be brilliant. So in other words, if you are interested, you can also monitor the weather where Robert is at your leisure.

The picture above shows the predicted weather (in about 6 hours) in the region where Pachuca is. The picture above that on top shows Pachuca's last reported position ( at point number 9.). Please click on the picture to get it bigger.

I find monitoring the weather very interesting, so if you want to try the software please email to the above address. Stephen

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