Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Planning Trip

During the last 2 days I've been able to take advantage of the excellent weather to walk with Brenda around the port area of Mar Del Plata showing here the market, various shops, the fishing port, etc. 

Yesterday we visited the tourist office and started the process of arranging a package tour to Iguazu Falls on the Argentina-Brazil border.  Iguazu is a world famous tourist spot that includes a nature reserve that is sure to have plenty of toucans and macaws for Brenda to see.  (http://www.google.com.au/search?q=iguazu+falls&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=FM-NT629OYbXtgfdvdHqCw&ved=0CF8QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=417)

I used the word "process" because the project has been more difficult than we had expected.  We were working on the constraint that I must be back at MdP by 1 May to be ready for the riggers.  The only package tours begin on Sundays, thus Sunday 22 April was our only opportunity.  Unfortunately we could not get bus accommodation on the 22nd and we agreed to consider travel by airplane.  We got the airplane proposal by email but this morning we agreed that we would much rather travel by bus so that we could see the countryside.

We returned to the tourist office at 10.30 AM and the agent understood our desire to travel by bus and produced a 4-day package.  Then she asked if we had visas to Brazil.  No we didn't.  A Brazillian visa was required for the package and to get a visa we would have to visit Buenos Aires in person.  That was not going to happen.  We told her that we were happy to visit  only the Argentinian side of the falls and a discussion over the map confirmed to us that the Argentinian side had most of the attractions for us, including the Garganta del Diablo part of the falls, the large island in the waterway, and the nature reserve.  She found us a 4-day package by bus with another hotel.

Then there was the issue of payment.  With the confidence of an experienced traveller I produced my Visa card and the agent blanched.  She explained that using a credit card would add a whopping 14% to the cost.  Catorce por ciento? I asked incredulously.  Yep, due to inflation, she replied (which I don't accept).  So it was left to pay in cash.  Brenda and I are each limited to withdrawing 1000 pesos per day each and the total cost will be 6,798 pesos (about $1500).  So for the next 4 days Brenda and I will visit the ATM, withdraw 1000 pesos each, then deliver it to the tourist office.  Fortunately there is enough time for engaging in this nonsense.  On Saturday I'll be able to withdraw 1000 pesos for my own use and expect to leave on the tour with close to 2000 pesos in cash.  (The tour is on me, and I'll repay Brenda later.) 

It will be a fairly complete package.  We'll board the bus at Mar Del Plata at 9 AM on Sunday and do an overnight trip (with reclining beds) to Iguazu.  The hotel will provide breakfast and the evening meal.  A couple of side tours are included and we'll take care of the rest.  We return to MdP on 29 April.

Last night we visited Jim and Karin, a New Zealand couple, for drinks aboard their 50-ft ketch that they had built themselves.  They had done the Chilean Archipelago and Beagle Channel and were on their way to Brazil.  They left this afternoon and there is a good chance that I'll see them again at Angras in June.  We'll keep in touch via Sailmail.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the trip is going to work..cash is handy.
