Thursday, April 5, 2012

Quiet Day

New (orange) Windvane Control Lines

Spray Dodger with New Lease of Life
After spending an hour at the restaurant dealing with my email I visited the ATM and the grocery store.  

In the afternoon I fitted and cut the Monitor control lines in the cockpit.  That took longer than I had expected because the system of line tensioning where the ropes passed through holes in a flat metal tab that is frequently used in tents was not working with the new ropes.  Eventually I gave up and reverted to the method advocated by the supplier where the ropes on the wheel side and windvane side are terminated with loops about a foot apart.  The long bitter end from the windvane side is passed through the two loops then pulled to draw the two loops together with the tension held by a half hitch.  It seems to work OK.

In the photo of the spray dodger you'll be able to see that nice strip of leather that Pato put along the front edge to protect the material from chafing from the boom or sail.

1 comment:

  1. Hope all is okay with the work you did today.
