Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Brenda On Way Home

It is 3 AM and Brenda should have been in the air about 15 minutes. She will have a brief stopover at Aukland then fly on to Sydney where she will clear customs before flying on to Perth.

This will be a short blog entry because I must try to get as much sleep as possible before vacating the hotel room at 11 AM.  I'll write more our stay in Buenos Aires later, but will now mention that I was successful in getting the Brazillian tourist visa.

Shortly afternoon I'll board the bus for the 5 hour ride back to Mar Del Plata.


  1. Sorry to hear Brenda had to return must have been nice while it lasted. Cheers, N&P

  2. so Brenda should be in Perth today. Hope you like your stay in Mar Del
    Plata Bob.
