Saturday, June 16, 2012

The New Me

Hmm ... Interesting scope for changes in my life.


"Traditionally, a sailor who had rounded the Horn was entitled to wear a gold loop earring — in the left ear, the one which had faced the Horn in a typical eastbound passage — and to dine with one foot on the table; a sailor who had also rounded the Cape of Good Hope could place both feet on the table."

I just might return to Fremantle a one earring, two feet man ....


  1. Ha-ha!!! That will be fun to see.

  2. I'll pierce it for you and give you the earring...No feet on the dinner table.

  3. Two feet on the table doesn't sound like very comfortable or practical dining, what a strange sort of privilege! As for the earring - interesting.

  4. Earring fine, but feet on the table, NO! The next thing will be that your boat will be renamed "Tits" and your dinghy "Nipple"?

  5. Hi Robert, Joyce and I are still here. About the earing.... what does your gut say. now go with your instinks. Barry

  6. It sounds like feet on table are out, even though I would probably wear no shoes and clean socks.

    But Sandra, I'll take up your offer of help with the piercing.
