Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Firm Departure Time

I am scheduled to motor out of the marina at 9 AM sharp on Thursday 5 July.  High tide is at 8 AM but I will wait until 9 AM until Salvador arrives at work so that he can cast off my lines.

Yesterday I received the wine stores and today I paid the marina account and brought back my clean laundry. 

Tomorrow morning I'll do some more provisioning and make final preparations for sailing, primarily the stowing of the spare water and arranging the cargo so that it will be secure in a seaway.  I have reserved the afternoon for visiting the Prefectura to lodge my departure plan.  Once I get their approval I will have 24 hours to leave Dodge, as they say.

Today on the walk to the YCA main office I was able to appreciate the splendor of the sea: blue and calm under a 10 knot breeze.  It would have been a great day for departure but modern life precludes that sort of sponteneity.  Let's hope that Thursday is OK too.

1 comment:

  1. Robert,

    Here's a scary story about a cruising couple from Seattle that had their boat stuck by lightening in Costa Rica http://threesheetsnw.com/blog/2012/06/seattle-couples-boat-struck-by-lightning-in-costa-rica/

    Stay safe,
