Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Visit to Point No Point

Arnold, Elisa and I took advantage of the great weather to visit Point No Point, a few miles north of Kingston.  Elisa and I went by car and Arnold followed in his Suzuki 550 CC motorcycle. 
Captain America and Daughter

Captain Two Scoop

Great Idea, Loaner Life Jackets for Children

Beach at Point No Point

Strong Current

We started off by visiting the nearby cafe-grocery store where I indulged in a double ice cream, my first since La Paz.  On the way to the actual point we visited a fresh water lake and did a bit of hiking along a path through the vegetation.  At Point No Point we managed to find parking for the car and Arnold decided to move on. Elisa and I visited the lighthouse where we were lucky enough to find the volunteer free and able to give us a history of the facility.  We then sat on a log for over 30 minutes enjoying the sun and the splendid scene of people enjoying the beach, a loopy dog trying to dig his way to china, and many passing boats.

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