Tuesday, November 6, 2012

All My Bags Are Packed

... and I'm ready to go.

It's 5.30 AM and I've been up since 4 AM because I like to avoid being rushed.  At about 7.30 AM Arnold will drive me to nearby Paulsbo where I will board the airport shuttle.  American Airlines flight 1948 will take me to Dallas/Fort Worth and from there I'll board flight 251 for Rio. 

I woke up this morning as was relieved to find that I was feeling fine.  Jean Davies had to spend a day in bed with bronchitis and Arnold has been battling a bad cold for a couple of days, but fortunately it appears that I've been spared.

I'll be traveling heavier than I prefer, with a backpack, a large wheeled computer case containing three machines, and two US navy duffel bags.  I'll have rely heavily on taxi cabs during the trip.  Fortunately I've got plenty of Brazilian currency for the long ride from Angra to Bracui after my 3-day stay in Rio.

The blog reports that I arrived in the USA on 30 August, making this a visit of over 9 weeks.  I've enjoyed it all immensely and I can't say enough about the hospitality of Arnold and Sandra, my wonderful friends spanning three countries, and even the cooperative Northwest weather. But that all has to end for now and I've got to deal with the completely different life waiting for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Times are very different throughout Australia. WA is 2.5hrs below SA, 3 hrs below Vic and 2 hrs below Qld.
