Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Back on the Internet

After a gorgeous sunny day yesterday I woke up to heavy showers this morning and didn't expect to get much done.  Between showers I brought my laptop to test the wireless internet on the way to shower room and found it to be still down.  On the way back to Pachuca I saw Ricardo boarding his boat after taking his dog for a walk and asked for his help.  Soon we were walking back to the marina office and he had is iPad in hand in order to test the connectivity.

After a brief discussion in Portuguese Ricardo told me that the wireless service that I had been using was no longer available, and that I should another one which was password protected.  Ricardo successfully connected his iPad with the password that he had been given, then I tried the connection with my Acer and Bingo! I was back on the internet again.

I told Ricardo that without his help I may have been off the internet for many more days.  I gave him my thanks and I could tell that he was very happy with help that he had given to me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness Ricardo was such a great helper and the internet is going again.
