Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Last Day

I expect this to be my last full day at Marina Bracuhy  It has been one of the best accommodation for the boat in my 4.5 year cruise.  The marina is quiet, safe, well run, very clean, and in a spectacular setting.  I highly recommend a visit to the world class cruisiing grounds of Angra and a stay at the Bracuhy marina to any cruiser wanting to experience something new.  For those wanting to bare boat, I have seen first hand the excellent boats that Delta Yacht Charter ( has to offer and how professionally it is managed.

Francois's Boat, also bound for Cape Town in January

Pachuca, now ready for departure

I learned yesterday that although the per-month charges at this marina are very reasonable (about $14 per day), short term accommodation runs at about $50 per day.  At Parati it is $200 per day! 

I am including some photos of Bracuhy taken early in the morning.

Today I will visit Angra to get my official clearance from Brazil.  All going well I will motor out of the marina at 9-10 AM tomorrow.  Although we got a few more showers last night Ricardo told me this morning that the weather for tomorrow will be good.

My initial progress may be a bit slow until I reach the higher latitudes further south.  Along this part of the coast the wind can be all over the place and no place, depending on the latest weather system.  Fortunately the Ugrib file predicts good northerly winds on Saturday.


  1. I wish you safe passage on your journey. Beautiful pictures of the marina.

    Jack Sullivan

  2. Good Luck and safe sailing!

  3. Hope all goes well with your sailing to Cape Town then Freo. The photos you put on are great. thanks
