Sunday, November 4, 2012

Visit to PT Boat Haven

I drove into Port Townsend on Friday afternoon, stopped by Jean's house for a brief visit, then pushed on to the Port Townsend Boat Haven for what might be my last visit before departing for Brazil.  A few days earlier I had advised Mark of my plans to visit and was hoping to see him at least for a few minutes between telephone calls and visits from clients.  Instead I got real lucky and found him at a quiet time and got a terrific tour of the various projects at the boat yard.
New Teak Deck, Note Curved Hatch

Plastic Cover on New Carpeting

A Slim Mark Peeking into Living Room

Generous Wood Stove

Part of Galley
Engine Room.  Generator Not Shown.

On the way to Haven Boatworks we stopped by the 62 ft boat Sea Quest being lifted out of the water and was introduced to the owner Tom Sartre and his daughter Alex.  Mark told me that Tom and his passengers had rescued 5 young deer that had been on their last legs in the icy waters near Taku Harbor, Alaska.  Afterwards Mark sent the following link to the story of the rescue which is well worth reading in this world where most stories are bad or sad.

Projects in Other Part of Boat Yard
Mark then took me on a tour of a large wooden hulled private boat being restored and upgraded, and I got to see for the first time the luxury and comfort available in these large boats.  The spacious galley with large refrigerator and freezer, laundry with washer and drier, and comfortable bedroom with en suite might be old hat to many, but to this sailor accustomed to cramped living on his 39 ft sail boat it was quite an eye opener.

We then walked on to Haven Boatworks where Mark introduced me to several of the craftsmen at their work and had close looks at several projects.  Mark is having a great time being part of this large and comprehensive boat works and I can well understand it, given the wide range of skills in wood, metal, and mechanical work. 

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