Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Internet from the Boat

It appears that for the first time since La Paz I have access to the internet from the comfort of the boat.  This is a biggie for me because no longer will I have to try to work through the screen glare of daylight or move around at night or in bad weather.  And it is just as well because I have 155 items of email to go through in my Gmail account.

Last night the wind was calm but Tommy warned me that we are due for heavy SW winds which will come up Pachuca's starboard quarter.  I spent at least 2 hours yesterday setting up the lines to my satisfaction.  I've now got two separate heavy mooring lines acting as springers from different cleats on the starboard side to different attachment points on the jetty at the stern of the boat.  Another heavy line acts as a forward springer and the fourth one holds the bow in position.  Then for good measure I have a line running from the main jetty to the spinnaker turning block at the port stern of the boat then up to a winch.  I'll ever say "Bring it on" again, but I think that I'm ready.

If this blog entry ends here then it means that it was published from the boat. 

1 comment:

  1. Fancy that...155 items of email to go through. That will take a long time.
