Saturday, January 12, 2013

Photos of 1st Stroll Through Cape Town

Here are some photos that I took on my first walk into the city, last Monday in order to clear Customs and Immigration and still feeling pretty woozy.  They are mainly of the picturesque VandA ("Victoria and Albert") waterfront.  There are two foot bridges that must be swung open to give boats access to the VandA marina.

Gracious Living at VandA Canal

Retired MCycle at Police Office

South Africa boasts 10 Nobel Laureates: 4 for Peace, 3 for Medicine, 2 for Literature, and 1 for Chemistry.  The Nobel Peace prize winners were: Albert Luthuli 1960 (President of ANC), Desmond Tutu 1984, F.W de Klerk and Nelson Mandela 1993.  There is a photo commemorating the four great people.  (See

Looks Like Ship Facility from Early 20th Century

This footbridge draws up

The VandA Marina

Access to Sea at Left

L-R: Lothuli, Tutu, de Klerk, Mandela

VandA Marina

There are several photos of the genteel living along the canals that are part of the VandA waterfront.

1 comment:

  1. Retired MCycle at Police Office...was that yours? Thought it would have come to Fremantle.
