Saturday, February 16, 2013

New Sail Cover

Steve from North Sails brought the new sail cover yesterday.

Reinforced where covering mast steps

It has features that make it superior to the covers made for me in Fremantle.    The sail can be drawn tight above the headboard and at the end of the boom using drawstrings, and the front of the sail cover is zippered shut.  These measures eliminate past problems where the ends of the sail were at times exposed to the destructive UV rays of sunlight.
Easy and fast closing along bottom of the sail cover

Stern Sheets
Steve also brought the two sheets to be fitted along the sides of the cockpit frame.  They represent a low-cost "proof of concept" experiment to see if they will allow the boat to point better when hove to in a gale.  

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that Pachuca's name was on a blue sail..fancy that!
