Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sick Days

When I met Brenda at the airport 4 weeks ago I was nursing a bad back which I've come to associate more with a 'flu than with muscle strain.  Thereafter it was a bit of a health roller coaster ride with some days better than others.

 Last Sunday was brilliant and sunny with little wind so we decided to take a cab to Table Mountain.  Unfortunately the waiting line to board the cable car was impossibly long - at least one hour in the hot sun - so we decided to enjoy the excellent view from that staging area then walk down the mountain into town to find transportation back to the marina.
View of Cape Town and Table Bay from Table Mountain staging area

We both enjoyed the walk which gave us a chance to experience the habitat up close and at leisure, but by the time we got down onto the flat we were both struggling.  Fortunately we found a quaint cafe and had lunch and refreshments before pushing on to "The Garden Centre" mall where we took a cab back to the marina.

The excursion had taken it toll on both of us and we had a quiet day on Monday in order to be fit enough for the visit to the Inverdoorn Game Reserve spanning 3 days beginning on Tuesday morning.

Brenda and I enjoyed Inverdoorn very much but during "off time" I would take to bed and rest while Brenda was usually out with her binoculars searching for bird life.

Only part of waiting line for the cable cars

We got back from Inverdoorn on Thursday morning then both got sick big time.  Brenda had such a bad day on Friday that the only reason why she didn't cancel her appointment for the second root canal visit on Saturday was that she was too weak to send the email.  And just as well, too, because on Saturday morning she was well enough to make the appointment.  The cab was waiting for her at 8.30 AM, waited for her during her visit, then brought her back to the club.

Wildflower on side of Table Mountain
But Saturday was my bad day, even though Friday had been bad enough.  I figure that I spent 20 of the 24 hours of that day in bed, getting up for only short spells.   I seemed to have every problem at once: headache, earache, burning throat, coughing up copious amounts of phlegm, and a touch of diarrhea.  The worst was the extreme lethargy.  I found being that weak a bit scary.  On Saturday afternoon I had begun taking the last suitable antibiotic that I had on the boat, Augmentin Forte, and I was hoping to feel the effects of that soon.

I woke up this Sunday morning feeling better, but not well enough to venture far from the boat.  When I visited the club house this morning Diane was at the desk and asked how I was, so I told her about our last few days.  Diane told me that there is indeed a very nasty bug going around that has put people in the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of Cape Town. Shame bugs are floating around and making you two ill. Hope all recovers fast.
