Sunday, March 10, 2013

Modem Problems and New Update - from Stephen

Hello - 

It appears Robert is having modem problems which makes communication (and Blog updates) difficult.

However, Graham from SAMMnet in South Africa has contact with Robert.

He is able to relay short updates from Robert.

Here is the latest update;

Hi all,
All is well on board my position 38-16S and 020-14E / no heading, drifting
/ Light wind
Having some problem with pactor modem and may not be able to send mail
All the best

We also now have a visual representation of Pachuca's track and position (thanks to SAMMnet).

To see the map of Roberts position    === CLICK ME ===

It is important to use the map controls if you want to see his position relative to land. Click on each marker for more information.

Here is a sample image of Pachuca's position from the above link.

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