Thursday, May 16, 2013

Message from Victor

 I can't bear to see good writing go to waste.  The following is from Victor without his permission but with my profound thanks.

Captain Robert not only teaches us geography,
 but also describes  his life in foreign climes,
 his elation and the tribulation being wafted by the temperamental fluids of the Heavens and the Great Waters.
His submission to the divine master plan.
His resolute  fortitude in the face of adversity at the very precipitous edge of the world.
His prudent caution, and meticulous attention to detail. 
The thorough preparation for the perilous journey. 
The command over setbacks and damage.
His balance of rest and action, and  anticipation of seriously threatening tempests, riding out  ultimate storms. 
Dancing around mountainous icebergs and between ice floes.
The maintenance of the life support systems , the engine, power supply, food preservation, communication is not for the faint hearted  innocent novice.
Occupying his time and mind, resting,  studying a language, indulging in reflections,  at peace in solitude, sobriety and realism.

"... nourishing  his youth sublime, with the Fairy Tales of Science and the long Result of History..."
That  splendid ship came home virtually intact , triumphantly  flying heroically  the colours.
It was commanded  every moment,  mile by arduous  mile.  Tellied every noonA no simple task.

We who never missed a day's blog, have virtually vicariously sailed with Robert in the comfort of our home. ( at times in that other little ship rocking gently in her pen )

There is a compendium of valuable practical experience worthy to be immortalised on paper..

So what if there are moments of humour, the expansive grandiloquence of the poet.

Would I read such musing in that modern monosyllabic style of teenage " texting"?

Sesquipedalianisticalifragilisticexpidaliotious  ..   to boot and bring it on.

A rich vocabulary is the vehicle of human thought.
 Variety of exotic words enriches the mind and human souls.
It is the music that accompanies ideas.

".... he who would dare defy the Omnipotent to power,
     him the Almighty hurled headlong
     flaming down
     to bottomless  Perdition 
     there to dwell in adamantine Darkness 
     and eternal penal Fire....    "

We of the sailing fraternity solute you

1 comment:

  1. Robert...looks like you have had a helper to do this blog. I hope Pachuca likes her pen and is not hitting anything to hurt her.
