Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pachuca in Her Pen

Last Sunday three of us moved Pachuca from the Customs jetty to her pen numbered D81, which is on the club side of the western most jetty that runs along the sea wall.

I met Ken, the father of Jeremy, one of the co-owners of the Bavaria 40 to be moved from D81 to the adjacent D79 in order to make way for Pachuca.  We worked well together preparing the lines for the move, and soon Dan, another co-owner, arrived, and being younger and more nimble was very helpful by perching on top of posts working on the big rusty shackles with a large adjustable spanner.   Soon we had their boat safely berthed in her new home then the three of us went to the Customs jetty to motor Pachuca to her pen.
Ken and Dan

Moving to D79

While we were preparing Pachuca for the move an acquaintance of Ken handed over a box with about two dozen bottles of beer in ice water for seemingly no particular reason, and for the rest of the morning's effort we had all of the ice cold beer that we wanted. 

We got Pachuca into her pen with no problem and Ken led the way in setting up my mooring lines with enough flexibility to deal with the rise and fall of the tides, because the Fremantle Sailing Club has fixed rather than floating jetties.

Dan then had to leave and Ken and I sat on Pachuca's cabin swapping yarns over a couple more beers.  It was great to be back in Australia.

I had been very concerned about moving Pachuca to her pen and on this morning everything had worked out perfectly.  I had helped Ken and Dan move their boat, they had helped me move mine, and we future neighbors had become acquainted.  I was looking forward to meeting Jeremy.

Pachuca in Her Pen
Yesterday, Thursday, I was able to visit Pachuca and put on her sail and winch covers, tidied up the ropes, hung a plank off her port side so that now she had protection from both side posts, unblocked her aft vents, and did a few other things to prepare her for my absence overseas.

I also met with Kim, who had installed the original pen lines and "pen pal" harness in 2006 and commissioned him to install new pen lines, which will be done next week.  With the fixed jetties the pen lines must be set up in a special way, with heavy concrete weights hanging from chains at each corner of the boat in order to dampen movements.   The lines must be free enough to deal with the tides but tight enough to keep the boat centered in the pen.  I handed over two concrete weights that I had made in 2006 and Kim will provide the other two. 

The "pen pal" harness will be set up after my return from overseas in September.  It is designed to guide the boat into the pen and restrain her from moving too far forward and making contact with the jetty.  In September I will also have new cushions mounted on the four posts of the jetty.  I have the philosophy of taking every measure possible to help me move the boat in and out of her pen without damage.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news Pachuca got into D81 with the help of others.
