Thursday, September 26, 2013

Presentations and New Blog

On 8 September at the 2013 Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival I made a presentation titled "A Circumnavigation After Retirement."

 My biggest problem was reducing the amount of information to fit in the one hour allotted to me.  The first outline was 7 pages in length and in my first rehearsal I ran out of time after covering our stay in New Zealand, with 4 more years of sailing to go.  I was eventually able to present a comprehensive and coherent story by relying heavily on projections from my laptop computer, with its efficient displays of slides, routes, photographs, video clips, spreadsheets, etc.

The presentation was well received with standing room only, but I had the advantage of having the audience packed with friends and relatives too numerous to mention.  I'll never know how many people glanced into the packed room and decided to move on.

For me the invitation to speak at the 2013 PTWBF, which I consider the world's mecca of wooden boat activity, to be a singular honor and privilege that is one of the jewels in the crown my circumnavigation effort.

Two more jewels will complete the crown.

On 17 October I will give a presentation to the Cruising Section of the Fremantle Sailing Club. That presentation will be easy given the material that I prepared for the PTWBF and the fact that this time I will be able to speak for 90 minutes with a following 30 minutes for questions and discussion.

The other jewel will be the placement of the names of myself and Pachuca on the surprisingly short list of members of the Fremantle Sailing Club who have completed a world circumnavigation. This list is on display at the club foyer.

I have started a new blog to cover the renovation of my cottage in Darlington, Western Australia.  This will be a topic very different and much more prosaic than a circumnavigating the world and I do not expect there to be much interest in it.  However, the motivation is the same as that which drove me to starting, which is to keep my relatives and friends informed in an efficient and non-intrusive way.  And as I learned from the first blog, it is a great way for me to document information that will be useful and valuable to me in the future.

The new blog is

1 comment:

  1. Robert...What types of jewels do you need to use to help you out???
