Monday, January 14, 2019

Mast Reassembly Begins

By 8.30 AM on Monday Mike Foss the painter, Steve Hartley from Taskers, Bruce and I  began loading the painted mast, stump, boom, and spreaders.  Before setting off with the load for the FSC Works area I gave a final thanks to Mike his outstanding paint work.
Result  of Bruce's filling and sanding corroded areas

Bruce and Steve installing the mast steps

We unloaded the pieces next to the boat and at about 10.30 Steve the rigger from Boating Hardware began the task of reassembling the mast with the assistance of Bruce.

The work went well and by the end of the day all of the mast steps (which had been powder coated) had been pop riveted on (four stainless steel pop rivets per step) and work had begun on the other mast fittings.  During the day I had visited Yacht Grot and purchased a new combination steaming and deck light.

I spent my day finishing the removal of the silicone sealant from around the cabin window openings then sanding the remaining parts of the bilge to be repainted.

We expect to receive the new windows and repaired water tank within the next two day.

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