Friday, May 10, 2019

Launch Date

Finally we have a launch date.  The plan is as follows:

Tue 14 May:  Use the travel lift to move the boat back into a work shed for spray painting below the water line

Wed 15 May: Shane the spray painter will prepare the boat by masking above the waterline
Thu 16 May:  Shane spray the hull with 2 or 3 coats of epoxy

Fri 17 May:    Shane will finish spraying the 4 coats of epoxy and about 3.5 hours later will spray 2 coats of antifouling
Thu 23 May: Boat will be lowered into the water (having allowed sufficient time for the epoxy and antifouling to set)

Fri 24 May:   The mast will be stepped and boat berthed at the works jetty

Sat 25 May:  The boat will be loaded with a trailer load of equipment from my garage
Sun 26 May:  We will ferry the boat to her pen D81

Everything has been arranged: the shed has been booked, the 15 ton crane has been booked, and Shane the painter, Steve the rigger, and Greg the electrician have been scheduled.

There is enough "slack" in the plan to make me confident of the splash down date with one risk: the weather.  If we expect weather on 24 May that will cause high winds or high swell we will have to postpone the stepping of the mast.

I have checked this blog and the first entry regarding Pachuca's hard standing for what was to become a major refit is dated 26 May 2018 and covers the boat's lift out that must have been done a few days earlier.  That means that the boat will have been out of the water for this refit one full year almost to the day.

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