Monday, June 10, 2019

Launching Jetty Party

On the afternoon of Pachuca's relaunch, Friday 24 May, we opened the boat to friends and fellow sailors who might be interested in seeing the fruits of the refit that had lasted more than a year.

Brenda and Dolphie did a wonderful job of providing warm and yummy finger food complete with all of the necessary plates, glasses, cutlery, etc all splendidly laid out on a table that we dragged over from another part of the works jetty.   I had the simpler and unimaginative task of providing the drinks and ice.

The 4pm start time approached with us expecting anywhere from 0 to 30 guests and we wound up with a group of about 25 by one estimate, composed of fellow sailors from the club (and one from Hillarys), two colleagues from my working days at the university, and other personal friends.

Toward the end of the evening I paid tribute to Bruce Diggins and the wonderful work that he had done on Pachuca.
Wonderful group of well wishers

Bruce with Brenda at his right and wife Dolphie at his left.  Victor Mews far left, Zac Armanasco far right

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