This blog began in late 2006 with the planning and preparation for a circumnavigation of the world in my 39-foot sail boat Pachuca. It then covered a successful 5-year circumnavigation that ended in April 2013. The blog now covers life with Pachuca back home in Australia.


Pachuca in Port Angeles, WA USA

Friday, December 12, 2008

Hawaii Passage Photos

Three photos:

- One of Pachuca hard to the wind with wheel lashed
- One is of washing day on Pachuca during our passage to Hawaii
- One is of Pachuca anchored in the tiny Radio Bay at Hilo on the island of Hawaii. The boat in the foreground represents what happens to people who do not pay their berthing fees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! For one awful moment I thought it was Pachuca underwater!!!

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