Monday, April 20, 2009

Monitor Installation

The monitor installation is almost complete, thanks to the invaluable assistance from Jeff, who led the way.

The top photo shows the stainless steel wheel extension with the control lines passed to a double block on the starboard rail. Note the brass clips for quick release and the aluminum tabs used to tighten the lines. These tabs are an innovation that Jeff has successfully used for years.

This photo shows the complete path of the control lines. Scanmar recommends rigid cheek blocks bolted onto the coaming but we had a problem with the short distance between the coaming and the wheel not allowing enough of a gap to accommodate the required tensioning setup.

The blocks are new very high quality Harken with bearings which should deliver minimum resistance.

To the right is a side view with the watervane in the "up" position.

This photo was taken from the center line of the boat. Ignore the ladder as a reference, since it is crooked. Using the backstay as the reference confirms that the unit is centered and plumb athwartsship.

This is an important photograph which shows the relationship of the top of the watervane to the surface of the water. The company likes a 6" clearance. The design for Pachuca called for a 0" clearance, i.e. top of watervane at water level. Happily the top of the watervane is actually more than 2" above the surface of the water.

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