Thursday, October 1, 2009

Car Day Trip

Sue Hoover, who has a boat on the other side of our jetty, has loaned us her Toyota 4WD pickup truck. It has cab for two up front, a covered tray in the back, and 5 on the floor. When she handed over the keys she asked if I like rum (Is the Pope Catholic? I thinks to myself.) and handed me an unopened bottle of rum.

The weather on Wednesday was good so Brenda and I did a little day trip around the area. We took Hwy 19 then 104 to the Hood Canal Bridge and crossed over to Port Gamble, and historic and charming mill town from the Victorian area. We had lunch in a very English little restaurant and had a good walk around the town.

We then took Hwy 104 for a drive to Kingston where visited the marina and had a walk through the town. From there we got back onto Hwy 104 for a visit to Poulsbo.

Poulsbo is a charming and very much tourist town with a strong Norwegian theme (e.g. King Olaf Vei, one of the roads). At the marina we had a chat with a man in his 80's who has been driving round and round the USA in his RV for 20 years. He has no house, he pays no rent, and he has no telephone. He just drives whenever it suits him from one corner of the USA to another. He mentioned Florida and I asked him if he had been through Mobile Alabama (where I had been raised). Funny I should ask. He had been 30 miles out of Mobile in August visiting a relative and the heat and humidity almost did him in. I asked him if he got thunder storms every afternoon. He said that there were too many thunderstorms to count. He was emphatic that he would never visit Mobile again. (Neither will I, for that matter.) We had this conversation while watching a sea otter having a very good day fishing off one of the jetties. We also visited a shop full of nautical things that we were absolutely sure our W.A. friend Victor would have visited when he was in Poulsbo.

After crossing the Hood Canal we visited Port Ludlow and Port Hadlock on the way back to Port Townsend.

The top two photos are of shops at Poulsbo. The rest are of Port Gamble. The 4th and 5th photos are of the restaurant where we had lunch.

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