Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today I touched base with Mark about the custom muffler that is to be fabricated. Unfortunately his supplier reports that there is a chance that he will complete the work on Friday afternoon but otherwise we can expect it on Monday. This means that we will be grateful if we are cleared for sailing by the end of next week, Friday 9 October. But there has been some benefit to this. Doug Roth can source a new evaporator for the refrigerator out of Portland. I was able to give him the OK to order it with expected delivery on Monday and installation by the middle of next week.

We are cutting it close with the weather but the word is that October can be OK if one watches the weather closely. (November is another story.) But let's face it, we are dealing with probabilities and not certainties. Friends of our boating neighbor sailed for the south in mid-September last year and were hove to for 10 days while they were pounded by a 980 millibar low. And I was told today that November can present spans of good weather.

1 comment:

  1. you are spoilt Robert - rum and the loan of a vehicle!! What a life!
