Thursday, October 15, 2009

Neah Bay Day 1

We had a quiet night at anchor and over breakfast discussed weighing anchor and moving Pachuca into the marina. Unfortunately the wind picked up after breakfast and we motored in against a 13 kt SE wind gusting to 18-19 kt, which was not a disaster but nevertheless made the entrance "interesting". We weighed anchor with three fenders on each side of the boat. From my earlier visit on the way from Hawaii I knew to expect plenty of free slips and so it was when we entered the marina. I picked a convenient up-wind slip which turned out to be C39. I allowed the wind to carry us to the jetty on the port side, hopped off the boat, then tied off the bow line. Our nearest neighbor was a large sea lion who seems to mix a bit of swimming with a lot of laying around on the jetty. The first person that we met ahore said "Howdy" to us and Brenda commented that he had not said "How".

We soon discovered that we had excellent WiFi internet on the boat: reliable and fast. Neah Bay, and Indian reservation, has provided on-board WiFi service that I have not had since The Fuel Dock at Ala Wai Boat Harbor in Honolulu. I had a quick look at the weather and saw that we can expect to remain at Neah Bay at least through Tuesday, five days away. It appears that we are one week too late in departing the area, and we are in for a patient wait for a suitable weather window for our lunge to California. In the afternoon we visited the marina office to make arrangements for our stay then did a quick walk around part of the town. Soon it started to drizzle again and we retreated to the boat which was dry and warm, thanks to electric fan heater.

The top photo shows our neighbor dissipated, world weary, and ruminating on the meaning of life. The second one shows him holding court with his adoring disciples.

The next photo is in a class of its own: the rigging enhancements is nearest Brenda will get to a moose.

The final photo shows Pachuca at her temporary home in Neah Bay.


  1. The moose antlers are a great idea!

  2. I like the sea lion
    Pity you didn't see the moose, instead of just the antlers
    We are finally having hot weather here, all at once - well, we were cold while you were warm - hope your trip to California is all good sailing - with more interesting experiences along the way.

  3. Love the sea lion! Hope his sea lion friends don't appear, it can get very noisy.

  4. Oh no! the weather's not good to leave yet!!!! Dreadfully hot here in Perth today...35
