Thursday, October 15, 2009

Photos from Port Townsend

Now that we have good internet access from the boat at Neah Bay we can look back and present some photos from our last days at Port Townsend.

On our very last day we were visited in the afternoon by Burl, Jean and Francis. The chemistry among us was phenomenal as always but unfortunately the visit was cut short (after about 2 hours) when we got advice to make a hasty exit out of the marina or risk a blockage the next day.

The top photo shows Jean and myself. Jean has climbed up a 50 foot mast and I offered her a position on Pachuca as lookout from the top of my mast as we round the Horn. The second photo could be captioned "Two Grumpy Old Men" but is in fact of two thoughtful men in an instant of introspection. Ninety five percent of the time it is a barrel of laughs.

There is one more photo of that day that I wish that I could provide: Karen Sullivan of "Minstrel", Sue's boating neighbor, who provided the last kindness from Port Townsend by casting off our lines and giving Pachuca's bow a smart turn to set us off on our journey.

The third photo is from a few days earlier with, starting from left, Brenda, Byron a visiting sailor, then Nancy, a double circumnavigator and national award winner for women's sail training with her partner Lynne and her father Paul, who was interested in various aspects of Pachuca.

The last photo shows the pumpkins at Safeway Port Angeles in preparation for Halloween.

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