Thursday, June 3, 2010

Moved the Boat

Bob helped me to move Pachuca today from Mogote to a position very close to where it when I got the SABB running.

Before the move I spent about 30 minutes taking the anchor winch apart to find out why the clutch was not releasing when I wanted to pay out anchor chain. To be honest I had never properly serviced it before. The problem turned out to be a combination of surface corrosion and dirt.

The SABB engine continues to amaze me: it started with less than 3 seconds of cranking and ran beautifully. Bob took the helm while I enjoyed the ride then I made the final approach. While dropping the anchor I found that the winch was releasing the chain extremely well. I let out a full 43 meters of chain in 6.5 meters of water then we tested the anchor with the engine as we had done the day before.

While Bob and I were chatting in the cockpit Robert from Estelle came by. He said the same thing that Bob had when we were discussing the prospects of my selling the SABB engine locally: anybody who wants/needs to put an old SABB engine in his boat will not have two coins to rub together, so to speak. Nevertheless I will put up an advertisement at the Club Cruceros and give it a try.

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