Friday, June 4, 2010

SABB Maintenance and For Sale

Yesterday after returning from grocery shopping I slid back the engine cover and found the SABB to be still warm but not too hot to work on, so I spent an hour changing its oil (6.5 liters) and filter. There is nothing like experience. I sucked the old oil out and changed the filter with no problem at all.

It was not economically rational to go to that trouble and expense given that I expect to be running the engine for only a few more weeks and there is a possibility that it will be scrapped after that. It's really a people thing: a duty to take as good a care of that engine as possible while it is still in my custody. ... But why do I need to explain this? Everybody knows that boating has nothing to do with economic rationality.

Yesterday I posted a "For Sale SABB 2G Engine" sign at the Club Cruseros.

Today I posted a "For Sale' classified at ("Classifieds" tab) which should be visible after the site managers have checked out the ad.

I had a look at Ebay which has a legitimate requirement to validate the identity of the applicant. However, the telephone method was not suitable because I do not have a land line, and the credit card method required the provision of my credit card details which I was not willing to do.

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