Friday, September 30, 2011

Victuals Storage

A friend recently asked the excellent question of where I would be storing the provisions for the coming cruise.  I hope to store the bulk of the victuals in the cabin storage areas.
Port Side Storage

Port Side Storage

One advantage of this boat's "tumblehome" design where the sides bulge out is the reasonably good storage space that becomes available behind the backs of the setees in the main cabin.  Although the spaces are mirror images of each other I manage them differently.  On the port side I use large plastic storage containers to hold the bulk of the items.  This was to ensure that the supplies were protected from invasion  of water.  On the starboard side I use three small plastic containers at the bottom of the locker, but otherwise I simply us the space as one big storage box.  This system has worked so well that I haven't seen the need to use  big storage containers.  However,  I am careful to place all loose items in good quality zip lock bags for protection from both moisture and bugs.  I will also store items in the space above the starboard seat.

Below the seats is very little space for storage.  The water tanks take up the aft 2/3 of the spaces.  The remainder is taken up by a large 230 a/h gel battery on each side, and the water pressure and shower drain pumps on the starboard side.  On the port side there is a little space for storing diving masks, flippers, and a small battery charger.

The head provides generous shelf space for the storage of the usual bathroom things as well as general cleaning supplies for the boat.
Starboard Side Storage, with fishing gear fwd

Any provisions that won't fit into these spaces will likely wind up in the V-berth area up front because the aft quarter berth spaces are fully committed to boating hardware.

1 comment:

  1. Pachuca is going to be full as it leaves La paz
