Sunday, October 2, 2011

Curtain for Nav Station

Two mornings ago I mentioned to Bob that I was thinking of installing a shower curtain alongside of the navigation station to protect it from water that might splash in through the companionway.  The problem is when running before heavy weather off the starboard quarter, with sea spray regularly pelting the companionway.  Bob replied with some amazement that he had been about to make the same suggestion himself.  He suggested that I go to the DAX store downtown for the material.

A few hours later I was at DAX where I found a good selection of shower curtains to choose from.  I returned with a laughably cheap set of curtains and hangers in order to set up the prototype.  I decided to keep it simple and suspend the curtain on a cord rather than a rod.  I purchased two small stainless steel saddles at Seamar and screwed one in at the port cabin support pose, and the other at the corner just behind the seat.  The idea was to protect the navigation station while allowing passage between the cabin and the quarter berth section aft.

The photos show the result.  The curtain slides very easily on either heavy cord or light rope, and can be put away when not needed.  Note the gap between the top of the curtain and the ceiling.  The only way to avoid this would be to suspend the curtain from a track screwed into the ceiling - a wildly impractical proposition.  However, I figure that water would have to make an unlikely angle to find its way through that gap. 

Next week I'll probably splurge and spend a whole $10 to purchase a better quality curtain.  ... I'd probably get by with a smelly cheap plastic shower curtain in my house, but Pachuca demands better.

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