Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Another Rock

Last night I had a look at the ship's globe just before going to sleep and spotted another rock.  This one is Sala y Gomez, a joined pair of rocks 390 km ENE of Easter island,  at 26S30 and 105W15.  The island is only 700 meters long and rises  to a maximum of 30 meters.  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isla_Salas_y_G%C3%B3mez)

These rocks in the middle of nowhere worry me because it is highly unlikely that I would see them as I allow the boat to merrily sail itself under wind steering.  Even if I'm on watch I'd have to be within 5 miles in daylight to see such small islands.  It's a jungle out there.  I'll have to keep looking for these obstructions using every source at hand.

Sala y Gomez Island
The photos show Sala y Gomez at different levels of zoom, with the arrow pointing to it.  To the left is Easter Island.


  1. Keep searching and maybe draw your own map showing you which route you will take.

  2. I am sure you already have contingency routes set up in case something changes, weather, provisions and such. I do this at areas where there could be issues and I have alternate ports and anchorages pre planned that all I need to do is call up a new destination and the route has already been pre designed.
    Great blogging, the info and descriptive is topdog, I'm on my 2nd year of my 10 year plan to be there in the mix with you.

  3. Hello Bill, Thank you for your kind words on my blog. I visited your blog and I must say that Suntack looks like a fine boat and you are going to have a lot fun and satisfaction with your ambitious project.
    As you'll know, I expect to be out of internet touch for about 12 weeks but I expect to send out daily text only blogs and will visit your blog again in Cape Town if I get good access to the internet.
    Best Wishes.
