Friday, October 14, 2011

Up the Mast

Fine bow makes Pachuca very sensitive to weight up front
I went up the mast two days ago to check out the external spinnaker block and replace the cords laced between the steps and shrouds to prevent the main halyard from wrapping around on one of the steps.  I wore a safety harness hooked to the main halyard and Bob Carroll was in the cockpit maintaining the halyard tension as I moved up and down the mast.  I took these photos from the top of the mast, which is 50 feet above the deck.

Note Bob on station in the cockpit
During one of Bob's visits I went through my charts and rediscovered a beautiful one of the SE Pacific all the way down to Drake Passage (i.e. round the Horn).  It was one of a set of three small scale charts of the Pacific that I had purchased in New Zealand.  On the chart were marked all of those tiny rocks that I had been discovering by other means.

The days are passing quickly and I have increased the tempo of my activities.  The 11 plastic jerry cans are now filled with diesel fuel and are secured on the deck.  Yesterday I made three shopping trips for provisions.

Today Rick and I will visit the port captain to get information on the boat clearance procedure.

Tomorrow Bob and I will take Pachuca out for sea trials.

On Sunday morning there is a swap meet so I'll try to either sell or give away unwanted gear from the bodega.

There seems to be keen buyer interest in my bicycle.


  1. I got vertigo just looking at the photos, no way could I go up there safety harness or not...

  2. Good idea to have Pachuca sailing trials,
