Monday, June 10, 2019


On 14 May the boat was moved back into a shed for more spray painting.  Bruce spent spent the next two days preparing the section of the hull that had been under the pads supporting the boat in the hardstand cradle.  He then did the finishing touches on fairing the hull.

In one day, 16 May,  six coats were sprayed below the waterline: four of epoxy primer followed by two coats of International Micron 66 antifouling.  We were very fortunate in  having excellent weather conditions (moderate temperature, not too much humidity) for the work. 

Bruce fitted the anodes the next morning.

Ready for anodes

Under pad area now accessible for treatment

Spraying first coat of epoxy primer

Four coats of epoxy primer, ready for antifouling

Antifouling completed

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