Monday, June 10, 2019

Leak Found

During Pachuca's launch celebration on Friday 24 May Bruce and I kept quiet about a leak that we had detected soon after the boat had been lowered into the water in order to not - well - put a damper on things.

The boat was taking in about 1 bucketful of water per day through one of three bolts through a plate holding down a collar through which the rudder post passed.  The collar is a large packing gland which is bolted directly to the fiberglass of the hull. We believe that the area had been disturbed during the difficult procedure of removing the rudder.

Leaking plate raised to reveal urgent need to clean and re bed

Re bedded and ready for plate

Plate with attached sealing gland in position

Bruce wasted no time in resolving the problem. Glen Swarbrick visited on the following Monday morning for invaluable advice, we had the boat lifted out an hour later, Bruce managed free the plate and slide it and the collar to which it is welded up the rudder post, and after another visit by Glen the following day and some very hard work by Bruce during the next 3 days the boat was lowered back into the water the following Friday 31 May and no leaks were found.  

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