This blog began in late 2006 with the planning and preparation for a circumnavigation of the world in my 39-foot sail boat Pachuca. It then covered a successful 5-year circumnavigation that ended in April 2013. The blog now covers life with Pachuca back home in Australia.


Pachuca in Port Angeles, WA USA

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Restoration Begins

 One of the tasks for preparing Pachuca for sale was to clean all of the storage compartments and strip them of personal materials, tools and equipment, much of which belonged in the garbage bin.

 An that I had found very very difficult to remove from the boat was the brass ship's clock and barometer set that felt to be part of the boat, yet I could not leave behind because the instruments were inscribed retirement gifts from 2005: the clock from my colleagues at work and the barometer from an elderly neighbor and friend who insisted in giving me the matching barometer.

One of the pleasures of reaffirming my ownership of Pachuca has been the re-mounting of the brass instruments after cleaning and polishing them.

Over the next few months I'll re equip the boat with my personal items, expecting to wind up with a cleaner and neater boat than before the sale effort.

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