This blog began in late 2006 with the planning and preparation for a circumnavigation of the world in my 39-foot sail boat Pachuca. It then covered a successful 5-year circumnavigation that ended in April 2013. The blog now covers life with Pachuca back home in Australia.


Pachuca in Port Angeles, WA USA

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

SF-SD Day 7

It is 2.30 AM and we've been having a very good sail, covering 63 miles since noon. We've been sailing with jib only on a broad reach most of the day through a lumpy sea and under a clear sky. At present we are 68 miles west of the southern tip of Clemente Island, the southern most of the Channel islands, and very close to the latitude of San Diego, which is 125 miles away. I have shortened the sail to quiet down the boat for the night. We expect to be forced to heave to in a few hours as the next bout of strong southerly winds sweep through the area.


At 3.30 AM the wind backed enough to where we would have to sail hard to the wind, which requires the mainsail, so I raised it and soon the boat was happily making 4.5 kt. But by an hour later the wind had backed such that we were headed ENE, toward the northern end of Clemente Island. Because we wanted to stay well clear of these islands I hove to. We are still hove to at noon and do not expect another opportunity to sail for about 7 hours.

Arnold and I are not concerned because we've got 2 days in which to position ourselves for the final run into San Diego on Saturday, 3 days from now. Maybe we'll watch a movie.

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vjd said...

I hope the movie is not "Man on Fire".

barry & Joyce said...

Hi guys it has been great fun following your progress. Joyce wants to know if your are eating correctly. If not she will head to SD to prepare a feast. There will be no loosing weight. That is her promice to you.
I can see how important grib files are along with sail mail. Do you have other weather sources besides ssb.
Western NV. is snowy but not cold like Dec. Barry

Chris said...

Seems the winds are pretty strong and Pachuca is speeding!

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