This blog began in late 2006 with the planning and preparation for a circumnavigation of the world in my 39-foot sail boat Pachuca. It then covered a successful 5-year circumnavigation that ended in April 2013. The blog now covers life with Pachuca back home in Australia.


Pachuca in Port Angeles, WA USA

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mothers Day Update


I haven't got their exact location, but I heard yesterday the trio are now past Mandurah making steady but slow progress.

I'm interested in the weather for their location, and you can see a forecast by going to this web site;

The weather forecast mentions from "Mandurah to Cape Leeuwin", so this map shows the locations of those two weather stations, available here; The stations are lilac coloured markers. I expect to get (and report) Pachuca's exact location later today.

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