This blog began in late 2006 with the planning and preparation for a circumnavigation of the world in my 39-foot sail boat Pachuca. It then covered a successful 5-year circumnavigation that ended in April 2013. The blog now covers life with Pachuca back home in Australia.


Pachuca in Port Angeles, WA USA

Saturday, October 22, 2011

More Provisions

I've got to stay out of Sam's Club.  I walked in there while visiting the WalMart-Sam's Club-Home Depot triangle principally to visit Home Depot and walked out with another:

- 3 liters of olive oil
- 6 kg of white rice
- 4 kg of spaghetti
- 2 kg of white rice
- 1.8 kg of almonds
- 900 g of parmesan cheese
- 1.7 kg of spaghetti sauce

I've probably got enough stores to support me all of the way to Australia so I will have to show more discipline when I make my last visit early in the coming week to Sam's Club for the perishables.
Port Locker Crammed Full

However, I did purchase items that were more justified, including:

- 8 medium (24 T) hacksaw blades for metal
- 4 rolls of electrical tape
- One large can of WD-40
- One 990 ml bottle of Tequilla
- One 950 ml bottle of Appleton Jamaica Rum
- One 750 ml bottle of Captain Morgan rum

The hacksaw blades are for cutting through stays in the event of rigging failure.

I use olive oil to lubricate the marine head.

The booze for medicinal purposes.  (Don't laugh.  It will be useful if I clamber into the cockpit wet and shivering after a hard time on deck.)

This morning a Chedraui I purchased 2 more kilos of flour and a fourth 4-oz jar of Fleischmann's yeast.

And this morning Don presented me with the gift of 2 boxes of band aids after I complained that I had not been able to find any in La Paz.

These changes are significant so I will amend my earlier list of provisions.

John states emphatically that Chile demands that visiting boats hand in all of their food stores - including canned goods - and purchase fresh provender in their country.  I don't want to stop in Chile to verify the claim.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Pachuca sure is packed great to see it organised.

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